Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Brick Lane in Midtown!

So they opened a Brick Lane Curry House on 53rd between 2nd and 3rd 2 blocks from my office! I've eaten at the original several times and the food is great. They also have the hottest curry and food I've ever tasted-the ridiculously hot phaal. While I wasn't even able to finish even a side platter, Emily from serious eats did. I wish I was there to see it...

Anyway, I wanted to actually feel my tastebids this afternoon, so I opted for the saag paneer. A lunch special meal is $10.84 with tax and is more than filling. And if you're wondering, the phaal isn't as hot as the original. But give them some time. They just opened...


Unknown said...

This is definitely worth making a trek to mid-town at lunchtime!!!

GolinHarris said...
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Mr Mantle said...

alright mate!! I live in London right near the real Brick Lane and saw your post. They have about a mile of nothing but curry house after curry house after curry house. I suggest you get yourself to the UK and test drive some of the "real" Indian cusine.
Believe! Check out some of my blog with some stuff on Brick Lane and stuff.